Do not give the best of yourself to those that do not see the best in you!
Do not give the best of yourself to those that do not see the best in you!

The results of our work and many others have created changes in Colorado's "standards of Care and "quality of life" for our companions. We have a committed team and many community partners.
2022: HB1160 rule making on the warehousing of dogs and our work on disease control (DCAT) rules are now finalized and will be implemented in May of 2023.
We worked a decade lobbing for better standards of care for our best friends and are excited to move on in our new mission and 501C3. PAWSITIVE PATHWAYS IS A COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM, HELPING HOMELESS RURAL COLORADO DOGS AND PUPPIES.
HB21-1160 House Bill:
“Care of Dogs And Cats In Pet Animal Facilities” and the “Disease Control Protocol” is now complete as per the Sunset. This legislation will provide guidelines for the care of pet animals in the custody of certain pet animal facilities and the disease control of dogs, puppies, and kitties, imported into our state. The disease control protocol is also complete.
In 2019, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Affairs “Sunset Review” process began and five years later it is completed. (Two are Better Than One) was honored to have a seat at the table as a contributor on the “Sunset Review” and to be Stakeholders over the past years with PACFA within “The Department of Agriculture.”
We were honored to be invited to participate on the 2022 , 23, 24, and 25, “Bureau of Animal Protection” BAP committee as stakeholders.
In 2025 PACFA will have another review by DORA, the states’ regulatory agency. Here were comments from the last review from stakeholders. We will host a collaborative meeting to talk about the Sunset Review and suggest needed changes.
Sadly regulators stay in business based on dollars from licensees.
For things to change in any governmental organization the impact and change will always come from
dollars or voters.
We believe it is important to know your house representative and senator in your community as they represent you! Each of us has one representative in each legislative body. Below we listed our Colorado legislative link so you can look up your representatives.
Remember licensees keep PACFA in business. Is PACFA doing a good job to protect our companions or our consumers? Should any individual be able become licensed?
It should be noted that a regulatory review of PACFA will happen in 2025. You can have a seat at the table during their review.
Additionally, in a 2015 audit, the Office of the State Auditor found among other things, that the CDA’s inspection protocols and follow-through were lacking. It is easy to infer that those issues can be caused by a lack of resources based on the number of facilities compared to the number of inspectors.
It should also be noted that continuing PACFA will also continue the Colorado Pet Overpopulation Authority, the Pet Overpopulation Fund, and the Pet Animal advisory committee.
Working in legislation and as a PACFA stakeholders for years has been an amazing journey. PACFA has a faithful team. We love the people at PACFA not the political piece of our work. Our goal has always been to advocate for our consumers and our companions. It has been a heavy lift, but it resulted in upgrading our Colorado standards of care and helped us with our new “standards of care training program.”
A new vision helped our team develop our program in rural Colorado placing good dogs with good people. Our goal is for them to never return back to the shelter. We call it “Pawsitive Pathways.” We have partnered with a few very special rescues and shelter partners building an amazingly new program serving rural Colorado dogs. We are currently building a facility and agility course. We teach our dogs to use their brains and have some fun doing it.
In about 18 months 55 dogs have been placed in loving homes along with over 100 transfers to licensed shelters or rescues. Thousands of dollars in community support have poured in to support our mission.
Every dog deserves a good life. Placing good dogs with good people is our goal. We work hard to see our dogs and many we network never end up back in the shelter.
“We speak dog." We are advocates, not activist.
Please join on our pages: Pawsitive Pathway's, Canine Conversations, and Good Dog Good Life on Facebook and follow our YouTube channel.
Relationships, honesty, and transparency are important to our team. Follow our new building project as our dream comes to life.

We look to our Sheltering community to lead in the industry as they already have standards of care in place they lead our legislative discussions and they lead our educational groups on rule making our his year.
PACFA has now completed their Education training modules and will require a test for licensees. We have enjoyed working on several committees.
We believe the greatest accomplishment in Colorado was passing HB21-1160,
addressing our standards of care for animals being warehoused and their care.
We have very minimal standards of care for our dogs and cats. It is a great beginning.
ALL BANS on BSL of pit bull have been lifted in three cities in 2021.. Any dog can be dangerous. Let’s not discriminate.
FIND YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE OR SENATOR AT https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators

Our COMMUNITY Commitment
Our COMMUNITY Commitment
Our society is at a critical point in shaping the future of animal welfare. Colorado is leading welfare .
It’s about thoughtful public policy.
We must work together to create the best outcomes for all animals.
The mental well being of an animal must be considered and will be now in rules and are now law.
Placing known dangerous animals creates life threatening outcomes for people and other pets is also law.

New DISEASE Control Rules
and WAREHOUSING rules for dogs and cats will now require that rescues and shelters have a standards of care plan for sick, diseased, or animals suffering mentally. These new rules will be implemented in 2023. Here are some current updates in legislation: In the 2024 legislative session SB-24-045 Spay and Neuter of Colorado Animals, made it mandatory for animals coming from out of State. They now must be spayed or neutered prior to adoption.
Thanks to the direction provided through the 2019 Sunset review process, changes have been accomplished. . PACFA has established a new Inspection and Investigation Work Unit. Rules for diseased puppies and dogs brought into Colorado and warehousing of dogs suffering in boarding will go into effect in 2023.